
JAKARTA - Police in India arrested a man on charges of delivering a deadly bomb, which killed his ex-girlfriend's new husband and brother-in-law.

Sarju Tomb (33), arrested on Tuesday on charges of murder after he provided a home theater system fitted with explosives as a wedding gift to the couple.

The bomb exploded at the groom's house in eastern Chhattisgarh on Monday.

Police said the explosion occurred after the groom, identified as Hemendra Merawi, turned on the electronic system.

The strong explosion immediately killed the 30-year-old man and injured his 32-year-old brother, Rajkumar, who later died in hospital.

Four other family members, including a toddler, were also seriously injured.

Police said the suspect had planted a two-kilogram explosive device to take revenge on his ex-girlfriend, who married on April 1.

The investigation revealed that Markam, who was married, went to the wedding and gave a gift, without mentioning his name, then secretly left.

The family opened the gift three days later, police said.

"We received information about an explosion and when we arrived at the scene, the groom had died", Manisha aired, additional police inspector Kabirdham told The National News, as quoted April 6.

"We conducted an inspection on the spot and found that an electronic device had exploded but there was a smell ofCE in the air that made us curious", he continued.

According to police, Markam worked at the detonation section at a stone-destroying factory in the center of Indore City and had purchased the explosives from his workplace.

"He worked at a stone-destroying plant since 2015 and collected an amonium nitrate. He mixed an amonium nitrate with one kilogram of powder from firecrackers and gasoline to make bombs and planted them in the home theater system," he said.

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