
YOGYAKARTA - Komjen Nana Sudjana was officially appointed by the DPR to become the Main Inspector of the Secretariat General in the DPR. The high-ranking National Police official stated that he already had a work plan after being inaugurated. So what are the duties of Komjen Nana Sudjana at the Secretary General of the DPR?

Indra Iskandar, Secretary General of the DPR, said that Komjen Nana's duties were not related to security. However, as the Main Inspector of the Secretariat General of the DPR, he will work on sections related to administrative supervision within the DPR.

"The main inspectorate that is secured is administration," said Indra.

After being inaugurated, Komjen Nana said that he would consolidate first with all ranks in the inspectorate. He wants to ensure that internal supervision in the legislature can run optimally. So what are the tasks of Komjen Nana Sudjana?

The Secretary General of the Republic of Indonesia, Indra Iskandar, said that the task of the Main Inspector was to ensure that the administrative process within the Secretariat General of the DPR was accountable.

Indra Iskandar said the task of the main inspector is the same as the Inspectorate General at the Ministry, namely overseeing the running of the organization. However, there is a difference in the current paradigm, namely not supervising but as a partner.

"So, if you used to supervise it, yes, even reprimanding mistakes when it comes to administration. Now the paradigm is quite different. Now this is a partner for existing units, the managers of these activities should not make administrative mistakes," he said.

Furthermore, Indra said that the paradigm is important because the activities of using APBN funds must be truly accountable, both in terms of administration and benefits.

"So, if you used to supervise it, yes, even reprimanding mistakes when it comes to administration. Now the paradigm is quite different. Now this is a partner for existing units, the managers of these activities should not make administrative mistakes," he said.

Komjen Nana Sudjana was inaugurated as President Inspector with Suprihatini as Deputy of Trial. The second position was filled because it had been vacant since March 1, 2022 (Deputy of Trial) and since August 1, 2022 (President Inspector).

Prior to the inauguration, Indra Iskandar had formed a selection committee (Pansel) to carry out an open selection to fill the positions of middle high leadership (JPT Madya) for the Deputy for Trial and the Main Inspector.

The selection series has been carried out in accordance with the provisions of Government Regulation (PP) Number 17 of 2020 and PermenpanRB Number 15 of 2019. The Pansel has carried out selection activities so that it gets a candidate for Deputy for Trial who meets the qualifications to be submitted to the Civil Service Officer of the Secretariat General of the DPR RI, to be forwarded to the Final Assessment Team (TPA).

Indra Iskandar has also formed a Pansel to select the candidate for the Main Inspector. Selection activities are carried out twice openly. However, there are still no candidates who meet the qualifications.

To fill a vacant position and to consider the vision of strengthening the inspectorate, Indra Iskandar then opened the filling of the Inspectorate's Position through an assignment mechanism from the National Police as stipulated in Article 147 to Article 160 of Government Regulation Number 11 of 2017 concerning Civil Servant Management.

This policy was taken with consideration from the MenpanRB, as well as considerations of competence and qualifications as well as track records in accordance with the JPT Madya Inspector Utama.

Indra Iskandar received an assignment from a high-ranking National Police officer with a National Police Chief Letter Number R / 32 / I / KEP / 2023, namely Nana Sudjana to be appointed as the Senior Executive Officer of the Main Inspector and submit to President Joko Widodo to be assessed at the TPA.

Such is the review of the duties of Komjen Nana Sudjana at the Secretariat General of the DPR. Komjen Nana will carry out the task of supervising the running of the organization and the administrative process within the DPR so that it can run accountably.

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