
YOGYAKARTA A hearing (RDP) of Commission III of the DPR RI with the National Coordination Committee for the Prevention and Eradication of Money Laundering (KNK-PP-TPPU) is running in a hot atmosphere. In the RDP, member of Commission III of the DPR RI Democratic Faction Benny Kabur Harman questioned the Chairman of the TPPU Committee Mahfud MD regarding the alleged odd transaction of Rp. 349 trillion at the Ministry of Finance.

Benny accused Mahfud of having hidden motives related to the disclosure of odd financial transactions worth hundreds of trillions at the Ministry of Finance.

He speculated that Mahfud MD deliberately conveyed the information to get rid of the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati.

"These (speculations) are also various, sir, maybe there is a political motive to get rid of Sri Mulyani," said Benny in the RDP which was held Wednesday, March 29, 2023.

So, what is the figure of Benny K Harman like? Summarized from various sources, along with Benny K Harman's profile and his track record in politics.

Benny Kabur Harman or commonly referred to as Benny K Harman is a Democratic Party politician from East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).

Benny was born in the Denge area, Satarmese, Manggarai on September 19, 1962. During his time as a politician, he was known as a firm, brave, and loyal person to the state.

Benny's name became known to the public after he was elected to the DPR through the Justice and Unity Party (PKPI) in the 2004 elections. At that time, he was the only candidate from PKPI who qualified for Senayan.

Benny also briefly paired up with Alfred M Kase to run as a candidate for Governor and Deputy Governor of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province in 2008.

Benny is married to a dentist named Maria Goreti Ernawati Harman. From this marriage, Benny and Maria have three children. They are named Maria Cacelia Stevi Harman, Maria Benedikta Stella Harman, and Maria Bernadetha Molinas Harman.

Benny K Harman spent his childhood and youth in Flores. He is an alumni of SMA Seminar St. Pius XII Kisol Flores.

After graduating from high school, Benny just stepped out of Flores. He went to Malang City to study at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya.

Harman successfully graduated and earned a bachelor's degree in 1987. Next, he entered the world of work.

In 1997, Benny took the Master's program at the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia.

Benny is an active student. When he was still a student, he had been an activist for the Catholic Student Association of the Republic of Indonesia (PMKRI) and served as Chairman of PMKRI Malang Branch 1986-1987.

In 1995, Benny founded the Indonesian Legal Aid Association (PBHI).

In more detail, the following is Benny K Harman's political journey:

This is information about K Harman's profile, a Democrat politician who accuses Mahfud MD of getting rid of Sri Mulyani. To get other interesting news, keep reading VOI.ID.

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