
JAKARTA - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu'rejected' US President Joe Biden's call to "expelled" from a judicial reshuffle plan that had sparked protests across the country, but called the alliance with Washington inevitable.

President Biden on Tuesday urged PM Netanyahu to drop a proposal that would give the Israeli government greater control over the appointment of judges at the country's Supreme Court.

"I hope he leaves it," President Biden said, launching The National News March 29.

The White House initially said in response PM Netanyahu had to seek compromise on the matter.

"Like many strong Israeli supporters, I am very concerned," said President Biden.

"I'm afraid they won't be able to continue this path. Hopefully the Prime Minister (Netanyahu) will act in a way that will try to find a sincere compromise, but it remains to be seen," he hoped.

However, the Israeli leader responded via Twitter saying he did not make decisions based on pressure from abroad.

"I have known President Biden for more than 40 years, and I appreciate his long-standing commitment to Israel," he wrote on the social media platform.

"The alliance between Israel and the United States cannot be broken and always overcomes differences of opinion that sometimes occur between us," he continued.

"My government is committed to strengthening democracy by restoring the right balance between the three branches of government, which we are fighting for through a broad consensus," explained PM Netanyahu.

"Israel is a sovereign country that makes decisions based on the wishes of its people and is not based on pressure from abroad, including from friends," he said.

PM Netanyahu postponed the proposal on Monday after protesters took to the streets across Israel.

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