
The Indonesian Automatic Fingerprint Identification System (Inafis) team found pieces of the body allegedly belonging to one of the crew members (ABK) who was the victim of the MT Kristin Surabaya tanker fire in West Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara.

"For today, the team did find that there were suspected pieces of the victim's body, few, and that did still require analysis from DVI colleagues (Disaster Victim Identification)," said Acting Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Police Commissioner Lalu Muhammad Iwan Mahardan, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 28.

The body parts allegedly belonging to the crew, he explained, were found from the results of the crime scene (TKP) of the fire which was centered on the front deck of the tanker.

"This (body pieces) were found around the ship, precisely on the ship," he said.

By conveying this, Iwan ensured that until now the MT Kristin Surabaya tanker fire incident occurred on Sunday (26/3), only one crew member was revealed to have died.

"So, the conclusion so far has only been identified as one victim on behalf of Sukirman," he said.

For information from fishermen on Monday, March 27, who saw the figure of a corpse at sea allegedly the second victim of the MT tanker fire incident, Kristin Surabaya, Iwan said that the field team had followed up.

"However, as soon as the team arrived at the location where the fishermen found the victim, it turned out that the victim had drowned again. So, only one of the victims' shoes was found," said Iwan.

Therefore, he assured that his party could not confirm the identity of the body suspected of being the second victim.

"So, it is suspected that the second victim could not be evacuated," he said.

The tanker fire incident belonging to the PT Hanlyn Jaya Mandiri transport service company occurred on Sunday, March 26 at around 14:45 WITA.

It is planned that the ship carrying 5,900 kilo liters of Pertalite owned by Pertamina will charge at the Pertamina Ampenan Depot.

The explosion occurred while the ship was waiting in line for distribution in the West Waters of Lombok Island. Prior to the explosion, it was reported that three crew members were lowering their anchors from the position of the ship's front deck.

The tanker MT Kristin Surabaya is also known to have transported 17 crew members and the captain of the ship with 14 of them safe. Meanwhile, three people from the crew are suspected of being victims. One of the victims has been identified dead, namely Sukirman.

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