
JAKARTA - A thug in the Thamrin City area was arrested by members of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tanah Abang Metro Police while blaming the driver of a box car on Jalan Waduk Melati, Kebon Melati Village, Tanah Abang District, Central Jakarta.

"One perpetrator was arrested with the initials AG (25) a resident of the Cenderawasih mess. When he was searched, a sharp weapon of the suspect's body was seized," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tanah Abang Metro Police, Kompol Kukuh Islami when confirmed by VOI, Sunday, March 26.

In addition to sharp weapons of the type of folding knife, the police also confiscated Rp. 24,000 from illegal parking, 8 sheets of parking tickets and black gossip bags.

Kompol Kukuh explained that the suspect's arrest began with a report related to the viral video of the burglary.

Then members of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tanah Abang Metro Police made observations by dividing tasks for reconnaissance of the perpetrators.

"Then the team saw the presence of an unknown group of people stopping one of the passing residents of the Lalamove box car. There was an argument not long after the car passed, and the perpetrator was arrested," he said.

For further investigation, the perpetrator was secured to the Tanah Abang Metro Police. The perpetrator is threatened with being charged with Articles of possession of sharp weapons.

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