
JAKARTA - Around 10 houses were burned down on Thursday morning on Jalan Masjid Baiturrahim RT 10 RW 12, Pangolan Village, Cakung District, East Jakarta.

Head of Operations for East Jakarta Fire and Rescue (Gulkarmat) Sub-dept. Gatot Sulaeman, said the fire report was received by officers at around 04.55 WIB.

His party immediately deployed 15 fire engines and 75 personnel because the fire had grown. The fire quickly spread to the houses around it, so that as many as 10 houses were burned down.

He suspected that the cause of the fire was a short circuit from one of the houses.

"The cause was a short circuit. When the short circuit, suddenly the fire had grown," said Gatot

When firefighters arrived, there were several residents who were still helping put out the fire. They helped arrange the fire hose to reach the hotspots.

The area burned was about one hectare because officers immediately blocked the red rooster's bridge.

"It is true that there is a possibility of mitigation. Alhamdulillah, we managed to block the fire propagation. The fire can be localized, it can continue the extinguishing process," said Gatot.

There were no casualties in the fire, but the loss was estimated at IDR 1.5 billion.

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