
RIAU - The inactive chairman of the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Riau University, Galang, who was a suspect in the persecution during a demonstration at the Riau University Rectorate Building (Unri) some time ago, filed a suspension of detention to the police regarding the case he experienced.

The attorney representing Galang, Afriadi Andika, in Pekanbaru, Wednesday, explained that his party had received a letter requesting a suspension of detention of his client.

His party has visited the Tampan Police to apply for a suspension of detention. In this case, he hopes that the police can prioritize restorative justice efforts or make peace.

"The incident occurred during a demonstration conducted by dozens of students, including Galang at the Unri Rectorate Building. Our client is currently still a student and has the potential to have a future. Our client is also not doing very heavy behavior," said Afriadi, quoting Antara, Wednesday, March 22.

As regulated in Article 12 letters A and B of the Regulation of the Chief of Police of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2019 concerning Criminal Investigation, settlement of cases needs to pay attention to the factors of intention, age, socio-economic conditions, the level of losses incurred, family relations and not repeated actions (recidivists).

Previously, Galang was named a suspect by the police after allegedly molesting his deputy, Rifqi Mulya Siregar, in the campus environment some time ago.

Galang is suspected of carrying out persecution and beatings that resulted in the victim suffering injuries and minor concussions.

The Handsome Police Chief I Komang Aswatama explained that the incident occurred during a demonstration by dozens of students, including Galang, at the Unri Rectorate Building.

The victim was abused during the rejection of the inauguration of Deputy Dean III FISIP. It is not yet known what caused it until Galang and his friend suddenly ganged up on Rifqi.

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