
The series of the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, visited Walisongo's grave has been completed. Starting on Friday 17 March when Ganjar made a pilgrimage to a number of sunyan in East Java and Central Java, on Tuesday, March 21, he made a pilgrimage to Sunan Gunung Jati's grave in Cirebon, West Java.

Accumulating a land trip from Jakarta after receiving the Baznas Award 2023, Ganjar arrived at the Sunan Cemetery complex whose real name is Syarif Hidayatullah at around 15.30 WIB.

When he arrived, Ganjar was greeted by the Crown Prince of the Sultanate of the Canoman, Prince of King Muhammad Qodirudin, Prince Patih Raja Muhammad Qodiran and a number of figures in Cirebon. After the Ashar prayer, Ganjar immediately made a pilgrimage led by the caretaker of the Balerante Islamic Boarding School, KH Muhammad Faqih.

"Alhamdulillah, the last pilgrimage at Sunan Gunung Jati taught us all a lot about social, social matters. How to do good with others," said Ganjar.

And the most memorable thing to do, Ganjar continued, is the figure of Sunan Gunung Jati who in addition to religious leaders and figures in government. Sunan Gunung Jati is the only Walisongo who holds the title of Sultan.

"And of course, because he is the Sultan, so there are matters in the government as well. The formation of a sultanate in Cirebon, it shows how religious leaders at that time were not only thinking about religion, but it turned out to be also in the government," he said.

This, continued Ganjar, is a good example. By joining religious leaders in government, government management is carried out with good values as well.

"There is guidance from religion and of course for me in the government it is important to learn from our ancestors from these sunans. From yesterday around, he always learned valuable lessons from all of them," he explained.

The government taught by Sunan Gunung Jati is governance that leads to justice. This must be imitated by the current leaders of the nation, because justice for the people is everything. "Obviously, of course, humans have many shortcomings. But towards justice is certainly something very wise to imitate," concluded Ganjar Pranowo.

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