
MANADO - The people of North Sulawesi (Sulut) were asked to be vigilant, the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), Manado Geophysics Station, recorded as many as 56 earthquake events in North Sulawesi from 10-16 March 2023.

"One of the 56 earthquakes was felt by the community," said the Coordinator for Data and Information at the Manado Geophysics Station, Edward Henrry Mengko, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 21.

Of the 56 earthquakes, 58.9 percent of their strength was between magnitudes of three to five, 39.3 percent with a magnitude of less than three, and 1.8 percent with a magnitude of more than five.

Meanwhile, when viewed from the depth of the earthquake, 58.9 percent of which were shallow earthquakes (less than 60 kilometers), 37.5 percent were intermediately deep (between 60-300 kilometers) and 3.57 percent were deep (more than 300 km).

"From the seismicity map or the epicenter map, most earthquakes with shallow depth occurred on the Maluku sea plate, namely in the waters between North Sulawesi and North Maluku to the Talaud Islands," Edward explained.

Gempa bumi dilaporkan dirasakan oleh masyarakat sebanyak satu kali kejadian yaitu di wilayah Minahasa Tenggara, Bitung, Manado, Tondano pada tanggal 14 Maret 2023.

There were more earthquake footage this week than the previous week in the period 3-9 March 2023, which was 37 incidents.

In that period, most or about 73 percent had a magnitude of between three and five, 22 percent of the magnitude was less than three, and about five percent of the earthquake had a magnitude above five.

Five of the 37 earthquakes were felt by the community.

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