
JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD believes that inspiring political lectures, such as national politics, nationality, humanity, and populistism may be carried out in places of worship and places of education. "I said earlier, having religious lectures, having political lectures in mosques or churches or in pesantren, is it okay? Yes, the origin of national politics, state politics, humanitarian politics, and populistism," Mahfud was quoted as saying by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 21. In contrast, continued Mahfud, what should not be done in houses of worship and educational places is practical politics, namely politics that mobilizes masses to vote, support, or side with certain figures. "If politics is practical, not in mosques, not in pesantren, not in churches, not in churches because of practical politics, choices that are different between everyone. If campaigned in mosques, churches, and so on, it will cause division. But if good political lectures in churches, mosques, it is permissible," he said.

On the same occasion, Mahfud expressed his views on the national bonds held by the PDI-P (PDIP) DPP through one of the wings of his organization, namely Baitul Muslimin Indonesia. in accordance with the provisions of the constitution without collusion and politicization of religion.

"It must be condemned, the election is a process of finding good leaders and representatives of the people," he said. Thus, he continued, holding elections was not intended to defeat certain parties. He said elections in the country should be held peacefully.

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