
YOGYAKARTA For people who plan to leave or return from abroad to Indonesia, it is better to understand the rules for bringing goods from abroad. This is done to avoid unexpected customs caused by elements of ignorance.

As is known, goods obtained from abroad, either obtained by buying or giving gifts, to be brought to Indonesia into import activities. The existence of these activities has been regulated by the Government, one of the rules is related to customs.

Passenger luggage itself is categorized into two types, personal goods including remaining supplies or personal use, and non-personal goods including traded goods.

The rules related to carrying goods from abroad are contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) No. 203/PMK.04/2017 concerning Imports of Goods brought by Passengers, Crew of Transportation Facilities, Border Crossers, and Delivery Goods. This PMK changed the previous rule, namely PMK No. 188/PMK.04/2010.

In Article 11 paragraph (1) PMK 203/2017 it is stated that imported goods that are maasuk in the category of personal goods of passengers will be exempt from import duties to the predetermined customs value limit. While the maximum released customs value is 500 Serika dollars per person (free on board [FOB])

Not only that, within certain limits some of the passengers' belongings are not subject to excise rates. The goods in question with the maximum limit are as follows.

If the number of goods exceeds the maximum rule, passengers will be subject to an import duty rate of 10 percent. However, if the value of the goods is below it, passengers will not be subject to import duties and import taxes.

The public must also know what goods will be checked by Customs officers at the airport, which is as follows.

As mentioned earlier, there is a maximum limit for luggage in the form of cigarettes, cigars, tobacco products, and alcoholic beverages. If the amount exceeds the applicable rules, the officer will carry out the confiscation.

Officers will conduct inspections of goods with complete and new packaging even though passengers charge these items as souvenirs. Inspections are carried out to determine whether the value is more than the stipulated rule or not.

These two types of goods are also targeted by officers even though the packaging has been removed. Several modes carried out by passengers are to admit the goods as personal goods to avoid paying import duties.

Carrying foreign currency is natural for passengers who come to Indonesia. However, officers will conduct an examination if the cash brought in is more than Rp. 100 million. However, the public can get permission from BI first so that they can bring cash with a value that exceeds the rules. Apart from Customs officers, they will also conduct an examination of the authenticity of the currency.

Not only money, officers will also check other items carried by passengers in large or unnatural quantities, or large quantities indicated to be sold in Indonesia.

That's information regarding the rules for bringing goods from abroad. Visit VOI.ID to get the latest news.

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