
Approaching the implementation of the 2024 Serantak Election, the Banten Police increased the intensity of security training, not holding system simulations at the Banten Police yard, Monday, March 20. The simulations involving hundreds of members of the National Police in the ranks of the Satbrimob, Ditsamapta, Biddokkes and Banten Policewomen also took part in securing the election consisting of three stages, namely campaigns, voting and vote calculations.

Karo Ops Polda Banten Kombes Pol Dedi Suhartono said this simulation was to prepare the Banten Police for the election.

"Because in Banten there are Regional and National Elections, therefore we carry out simulations as if they were the fact on the ground to anticipate existing vulnerabilities," he said.

Dedi explained that the potential for vulnerability anticipated includes acts of terror, hoax news and political money.

"We carry out a series of simulations to secure campaigns, secure polling stations and control unras (red demonstrations) from controlled masses to anarchism," he added.

Dedi explained that at the time of the calculation, security was focused on the calculation process and the impact of dissatisfaction between the supporters of one of the participants in the election results.

"The joint security of demonstrations involves personnel controlling the period (Dalmas), Samapta, Motorized Troops, Polwan to mass expulsion dogs," he said.

Joint security includes personnel from the Banten Police Satbrimob together with Samapta. The simulation was held in preparation for securing the main election, training members of the police to know the process of the election stages.

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