
A total of 251 personnel and state civil servants (ASN) who served at the Mataram City Police, West Nusa Tenggara, underwent a urine test to detect narcotics abuse and the results were all members of the drug negative.

The activity at Wira Pratama Building took place suddenly after all personnel and ASN held a morning rally at the Mataram Police Headquarters.

The Mataram Police Chief Commissioner of Police Mustofa who was also present to carry out a urine test and witnessed the activity saying that this activity was a routine agenda in an effort to prevent narcotics abuse in the Mataram Police work environment.

"So, this urine test is a periodic routine activity that we hold to detect and prevent narcotics abuse in the Mataram Police environment," Mustofa said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, March 20.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Professional and Security Section (Propam) of the Mataram Police, Inspector of Police Satu Mutawali, said that this activity was not an attempt to find fault for members, but to maintain the commitment of personnel and ASN in fighting narcotics.

"Because in principle, it is better to prevent than to take firm action for members who violate," said Mutawali.

Iptu Mutawali said that the implementation of this urine test was included in the National Police's priority program in terms of strengthening, early prevention, and irregularities in the National Police.

"Moreover, Polri personnel must be an example. So, they must be free from drug abuse," he said.

From the test results, Mutawali emphasized that none of the signs of positive urine contained narcotics.

"The results are negative and of course this negative result was asked by the Mataram Police Chief to be maintained. Police members should not be involved with drugs," he said.

The Mataram Police held this urine test by cooperating with a medical team from the Bhayangkara Mataram Hospital and the Mataram Police Medical Health Team (Dokkes). In addition to urine tests, all personnel and ASN also carry out dental health checks.

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