
SOLOK - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of South Solok Regency, West Sumatra recorded losses due to floods and landslides that hit the area on Sunday, March 19 reaching Rp10.6 billion.

Head of the Rehab Rekok Division of South Solok BPBD, Alvino Sendra in Padang Aro, Monday, said that floods and landslides caused damage with a value of Rp. 3.7 billion and a loss of Rp. 6.9 billion, bringing the total amount to Rp. 10.6 billion.

"We are still detailing and collecting data to submit proposals to the central government for repairs damaged by floods and landslides," he said.

For infrastructure, he said, there was no such thing that was badly damaged. However, there is still something that needs improvement, so it is reviewed in which one deserves to be proposed for repair assistance support.

He explained that the losses were related to the economy of the community and those affected by the flood were mostly community agricultural land.

Meanwhile, the damage, he said, was in the form of infrastructure that was affected and flooded last Sunday, several riverbanks were damaged.

As a result of floods and landslides, he said, 884 families with 3,322 people were affected, spread across six sub-districts.

In addition, he said, tens of hectares of agricultural land were damaged and even many failed to harvest, resulting in high community losses.

Floods and landslides hit two houses in Karang Hitam, Pauah Duo District with moderate damage.

He appealed to the public to remain vigilant, especially those living in areas prone to flooding and landslides because the rainfall was still high.

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