Bandar Lampung Police appealed to the public not to hold sahur on the road (SOTR) and also the tradition of sarong war in the holy month of Ramadan 1444 Hijri.
"In general, sahur on the road does not add to the quality during Ramadan but ends in a brawl between communities, so we urge it not to be carried out," said Bandarlampung Police Chief Kombes Ino Harianto in Bandar Lampung, Antara, Monday, March 20.
Sahur on the road and also the tradition of sarong war are usually carried out after tarawih prayers or before dawn. Ino Hari asked the residents if they found this to be reported immediately.
Ino Hari suggested that sahur on the road should be replaced with a joint sahur event at home or foundation, because it is more targeted and minimal friction with other communities.
"We have also mapped criminal-prone areas in Bandar Lampung City during the fasting month," he said.
Meanwhile, sarong players often experience irregularities from teenagers' behavior that are not in accordance with the norms in society.
"The sarong war as a tradition for teenagers every month of Ramadan has turned into something that has negative value and deviates," he said again.
The perpetrators of the sarong war can be charged with Articles of Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law no. 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection, as referred to in Article 76 C Article 80 paragraphs 1 and 2, and Article 170 of the Criminal Code concerning beatings with the threat of a sentence of more than 5 years in prison.
"We remind the public, especially in the jurisdiction of the Bandar Lampung Police so as not to do things that are troubling and disturbing the security and social order, if there are things that disturb and disturb our security and social order, we will take firm action," said Ino Hari.
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