The National Police has not investigated the origin of the package containing kedang ganja toothpaste which was confiscated by the Malaysian police. The reason is that there has been no direct request from the neighboring country authorities.
The toothpaste package containing marijuana is thought to have come from Indonesia. Then addressed to Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Malaysian Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli.
"We have not received a request from friends from PDRM or the Malaysian Royal Police regarding this information," said Director of Narcotics Crime at the National Police Brigadier General Krisno H. Siregar to reporters, Monday, March 20.
The National Police will move if there is a direct request from the Malayisian police. Even about the development of the toothpaste package case, it will continue to be monitored.
"Usually we check, please check this address is true or not, or please check this address directly and we follow up and we follow up on it and variously to them," he said.
However, he emphasized, if communication and cooperation between the Indonesian police and Malaysia goes well.
"So far we haven't got it, so how can we follow up on information that we ourselves haven't been informed from where the Malaysian authorities came from," said Krisno.
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