
YOGYAKARTA How to order backflow train tickets must be considered, especially for prospective passengers who have not received tickets to return on D+1, D+2, D+3, D+4, and D+5 Eid 2022.

Just so you know, PT Kereta API Indonesia (Persero) aka KAI provides 2,527,785 distance train tickets for the Eid al-Fitr 2023 homecoming period.

As of Saturday, March 18, 2023 afternoon, the number of long-distance train tickets that had been sold for the period 12 April - 2 May 2023 reached 867,148 tickets. This figure is equivalent to 34.3 percent of the total tickets provided.

"Long-distance train tickets during the Eid 2023 Transport period that have been sold for train departures in the period 12 April s / d May 2, 2023 are 867,148 tickets or 34.3% of the total tickets provided," said PT KAI Vice President Public Relations Joni Martinus in his statement, quoted Monday, March 20, 2023.

Joni predicts that the number of train ticket customers will still increase until the Eid homecoming period.

So far, the most favorite route for the period before Eid is dominated by passengers from the west (Jakarta/Bandung) to the East (Central Java/East Java).

As for the period after Eid, the favorite relationship for passengers is from the East (Central Java/East Java) to the West (Jakarta/Bandung).

The long-distance train trips that are included in the top 5 are ordered occupancy, including:

Meanwhile, the date of departure for trains that are KAI customers' favorites, among them:

Joni hopes that the public can plan their journey well, because there are still many tickets for Eid transportation trains available.

Orders for backflow train tickets can be done online through the KAI Access application and the KAI website.

Here's how to order a backflow train ticket via the KAI Access application:

Meanwhile, how to order train tickets backflow via the KAI website, among others:

That's information about how to order a backflow train ticket. Read on VOI.ID to get other interesting news.

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