
YOGYAKARTA Profile of Esha Rahmanshah Abrar is currently receiving the spotlight from the public because his wife is diligent in showing off wealth or showing off hedonism behavior on social media, one of which is in the form of luxury cars at a price of hundreds of millions of rupiah. The community then questioned Esha's assets.

"Masha Allah baru x ini beli mobil enggak diniatin kayub terlihat mobil kuning di Jalan Lenteng Agung tadi siang," tulis istri Esha Rahmanshah di akun media sosialnya.

The luxurious lifestyle uploaded by Olivia, wife of Esha Rahmanshah Abrar also leads to temporarily deactivation of her husband from her position at the Ministry of State Secretariat (Kemensetneg). Then who exactly is Esha Rahmanshah Abrar?

As is known, Esha Rahmansah Abrar is an employee at the Ministry of State Secretariat. On the official website of the Ministry of State Affairs, he sat as Head of Building Administration Subdivision, Building Section, General Bureau, Secretariat of the Ministry with rank III/C.

However, it was later discovered that Esha's position was the Head of the Sub Division (Kasubag) of the General Bureau of General Vehicle Administration of the Ministry of State Secretariat (Kemensetneg) class IV/A.

Based on the rank group, Esha Rahmanshah's salary, which is class III / C, is around Rp2,802,300 to Rp4,602,400. As for class IV / A, it is around Rp3,044,300 to Rp5,000,000.

Not much information related to Esha, but some media said that he was a man born on October 14, 1980. Meanwhile, the position held before the inactive period was the Head of the General Bureau of Public Transportation Administration of the Ministry of State Secretariat.

Chronology of the deactivation of Esha Rahmanshah Abrar started from the flexing shared by Olivia, Esha's wife. Through his Instagram social media @vhia_esa distributed receipts for buying luxury cars for hundreds of millions of rupiah. The upload then reaped the spotlight from netizens. Even Olivia's video was shared again by a Twitter account called @PartaiSocmed on March 18, 2023.

Based on current monitoring, the @vhia_esa account has disappeared. However, the @PartaiSocmed account shares Olivia's upload. In the upload, you can see a receipt for the purchase of MG 5 GT Magnify at a price of Rp408 million.

The @PartaiSocmed account also shared other luxury assets that Olivia had previously shared. Some of these items include two luxury cars, diamonds, gold bars, luxury homes, branded bags, to rooms in luxury homes.

On the KPK State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN) page, Esha Rahmanshah Abrar's assets were not found. This further raises public suspicion of Esha Rahmanshah Abrar.

Related to this, the Ministry of State Secretariat then temporarily disabled Esha Rahmansah Abrar. This is as announced by Karo Humas Kemensetneg.

"In connection with the development of polemics on social media related to flexing or showing off the assets of the wife of one of the Ministry of State Secretariat officials, Mr. Esha Rahmansah Abrar (Head of Public Bureau Vehicle Administration of the Ministry of State Secretariat)," said Karo Public Relations of the Ministry of Finance Eddy Cahyono in an official release, Sunday.

Kemensetneg juga membentuk tim verifikasi internal untuk melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap harta kekayaan Esha serta ASN lain di lingkungan kerja Kemensetneg. Pihak kementerian juga berkoordinasi dengan KPK, PPATK, dan lembaga lain untuk mendapat fakta dan data untuk menelusi harta pejabat yang tidak wajar.

After that, the Ministry of State Affairs will convey the results of their findings to the public as a commitment of the ministry to support the eradication of KKN and other criminal practices that are not in accordance with applicable law.

In addition to the profile of Esha Rahmanshah Abrar, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting news.

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