
TANGERANG The Tangerang Regency Satpol PP will summon the management of a club shop in the Tangerang Regency Government Center (Puspemkab) which is still active, even though it has been sealed.

"We have followed up again. Today we are calling the manager," said Head of Tangerang Regency Satpol PP, Fachrul Rozi when confirmed by VOI, Monday, March 20.

Fachrul asked for time to investigate the issue of the club shop business. He admitted that he had to learn first about the stalls that were still active even though they had been sealed.

"That's actually a shop, if for example a shop, it's clear. This is a coffee shop, how about a shop like this? If for example a shop, shop, shop, it's clear. We are investigating this," he said.

Regarding the presence of individuals playing in the sparkling shop, his party will also follow up on the information. For him, if there are individuals who come from the Satpol PP environment, they will be subject to sanctions.

"We are investigating, are there our individuals, outside of us, we don't know. If there are our individuals, of course we will process them. We will also discuss this," he said.

Regarding the news that the shop was selling alcoholic beverages, Fachrul said that if the goods were brought by visitors, they were brought from outside to the shop. However, he will investigate again with the Industry and Trade Office.

"I have coordinated with the Head of Disperindag, later the wasdal will go down, will normatively check what permits they have," he said.

Coffee stalls (warkop) with a discotheque concept in the Regency Government Center (Puspemkab) are still operating even though their business license was recently sealed by Satpol PP.

The world-style Warkop (dUGem) was sealed by the Tangerang Regency Satpol PP on Tuesday, January 17. VOI monitoring at the location, at 22.00 WIB, Saturday, March 17, a number of men and women were seen packed in the shop. The women danced between the men.

In the shop, there were also drinking bottles suspected of being alcohol. Meanwhile, at the entrance of the shop, a Satpol PP sticker was displayed that reads "Sealed".

Riki, One of the visitors, said that he often came to the place to relax while drinking hard water.

"Come here often on Saturdays-Sundays. Yes, here drinking AM (Red Region) or Kawa-Kawa," he said when met at the location.

Erna, the shop owner, admitted that her business was still operating because it was guarded by the Karang Taruna group in the Bugel area, Tigaraksa, Tangerang Regency.

He said the Karang Taruna group was assigned by Tangerang Police and Tangerang Regency Satpol PP personnel.

"Had made a fuss some time ago. But the police came and said if they wanted to secure it. Just take it. At that time, the Satpol PP also entrusted the youth organizations to keep parking here," he said.

The Karang Taruna Bugel group asked for a security quota of IDR 1.5 million per month. However, Erna could not accept the request because her shop business was considered a small class.

"I can't afford that, especially since it was sealed by the Satpol PP, visitors are not very crowded," he said.

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