
JAKARTA - The chairman and deputy chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK) for the 2023-2028 term of office took an oath at the Special Plenary Session of the Constitutional Court, Monday, March 20 at 11.00 WIB in the Plenary Room of Building I MK. The trial followed Constitutional Justice Anwar Usman and Constitutional Justice Saldi Isra who were elected as chairman and vice chairman in the election through a vote at the Plenary Meeting of Judges, Wednesday, March 15. "This agenda is regulated based on PMK Number 1 of 2020 concerning the Constitutional Court Trial that the oath of the Chief Chair and Deputy Chair of the Constitutional Court is carried out at the Special Plenary Session of the Constitutional Court," said a written statement from the Constitutional Court received in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, March 19. This oath-taking is based on the provisions of Article 21 paragraph (3) of the Constitutional Court Law. Before holding his position, the Chief Chairperson and Deputy Chair of the Constitutional Court took an oath or an oath according to his religion in front of the Constitutional Court. In contrast to taking the oath or promise of the constitutional judge before holding his position, namely in front of the President, the oath or promise of the Chief Chairman and Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court was pronounced before the Constitutional Court, which means before nine constitutional judges. Given that Anwar Usman and Saldi Isra are Muslim, both of them will take the oath of Chairman/Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court. It reads, By Allah, I swear that I will fulfill the obligations of the Chairman/Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court as well as possible and fairly, uphold the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, and carry out all laws and regulations as straight as possible according to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, and serve the homeland and nation. The Special Plenary Session with the agenda of the Oath Speaker and Deputy Chair of the Constitutional Court will invite and/or be attended by the President/Deputy President, heads of state institutions, ministers, and other officials, as well as employees of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and the Secretariat General of the Constitutional Court.

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