
BENGKULU - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD received a lot of support in the 26th Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly (Musra) in Bengkulu. "There is no doubt about Mahfud MD's track record, capacity and integrity. From being a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives, the era of President Gus Dur, the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, to the era of President Jokowi, he was trusted to become Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs," said Dai Muda Bengkulu who is also Deputy Chairman of Muhammadiyah Youth Bengkulu Province Evan Trijasa in Bengkulu, Antara, Sunday, March 19. During his time as Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, he continued, Mahfud had broken down many legal case deadlocks to make various improvements to state institutions. "Mahfud is clean," he said again. Furthermore, the forum for conveying aspirations is practically controlled by admirers of constitutional law experts and the constitution, starting from the Chairman of the People's Defenders Front, Rustam Efendi, to victims of the Aurego Jaya land mafia. Furthermore, the Rejang Aan Ade Putra Student Family Association, Dara Sinta Camelia from the Bengkulu Women's Alliance, and Yayan Farizal from the Community Movement to Fight Corruption. "Mahfud MD has been proven to have uncovered many legal cases. Starting from BLBI, Kanjuruhan, Sambo, the latest dismantling of tax employee issues. Pak Mahfud can also resolve dispute cases and dismantle land mafia in Bengkulu," said Aurego Jaya. Bengkulu Artist Paulus Narodom Sihanug wrote a poem with his admiration and belief for the figure of Mahfud who can clean the government from the dirty practices of his individuals. "For him, leadership is the real mandate. His feet and hands are not shackled. We call BLBI and others, go forward not to be afraid, his attitude," he said. Representative of the National Committee Musra Fredy Tambunan thanked and appreciated the people of Bengkulu who were very enthusiastic. "Many carry posters of support for each champion. However, remain peaceful and side by side. Voice aspirations with manners and joy. Head remains cold," he said. Meanwhile, Bengkulu figure who is also a former NasDem politician Patrice Rio Capella who was a speaker, expressed admiration for Mahfud's sympathizers. According to him, the reason Mahfud's admirers make a lot of sense and are realistic. "I think he is smart in choosing Mahfud MD. He is indeed a legal expert, and can very well be expected to solve various irregularities and legal problems, especially regarding the land mafia in Bengkulu. When I go to Jakarta, I will meet Mas Mahfud, and convey support to him. extraordinary in my hometown, "he said.

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