KUPANG - Air Force Chief of Staff (KSAU) Marshal Fadjar Prasetyo confirmed that he would update the defense equipment, especially radar in the 226 Radar Unit (Satrad) in Buraen Village, Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara.
"This radar is very old, but will be replaced with a newer radar," said Fadjar Prasetyo while directly observing the radar in Buraen Village, South Amarasi District, Kupang Regency, Antara, Sunday, March 19.
The radar age in Buraen Village is very old because it was built in the 1980s. Therefore, currently, the new procurement is being processed at the Indonesian Ministry of Defense.
However, he continued, the radar still functions very well in tracking movements in the airspace.
Regarding other supporting facilities, according to him, everything is still functioning normally and well so it does not need to be replaced.
TNI Marshal Fadjar Prasetyo appreciated the Buraen Satrad and the Kupang Regency Government who participated in maintaining the radar so that it could still function properly.
Fadjar also explained that the Indonesian Air Force has committed to maintaining the southern part of Indonesia's airspace which borders two countries, namely Timor Leste and Australia.
Kasau explained that the radar itself also functions as an early warning radar (early warning) as well as CCI which functions to direct the fighter to the target.
AnTARA monitoring of Kasau's working visit to Satrad 226 Buraen accompanied by Pangkoopsudnas Marsdya TNI M. Tonny Harjono. Also present were the Commander of Korem 161/Wira Sakti Brigadier General Febriel Buyung Sikumbang and the NTT Police Chief Inspector General Pol. Johanis Asadoma.
His arrival at Satrad 226 Buraen is also one of a series of working visits before Monday (20/3) will launch stunting at the El Tari Hall of the NTT Governor's office, Jalan El Tari Kupang.
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