
REJANG LEBONG - Rejang Lebong Regency Government (Pemkab), Bengkulu Province, in 2023 prepared an aid budget of Rp6.8 billion for 34 urban villages. Head of Government of Rejang Lebong Rejang Government Bobby Harpa Santana said the kelurahan assistance was to improve the family's economy. "Each kelurahan will receive assistance of Rp200 million, this budget comes from DAU kelurahan in 2023," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Sunday 19 March. He explained that the allocation of this kelurahan assistance of Rp100 million will be used to support priority programs in accordance with the vision and mission of the Regent and Deputy Regent of Rejang Lebong in poverty alleviation through empowerment of MSMEs, community groups as well as for institutions in the kelurahan. Meanwhile, for a budget of Rp100 million more will be used based on the results of development deliberation at the village level such as to support poverty alleviation assistance or other activities. So far, the use of the aid budget from the Rejang Lebong Rejang Regency Government has been socialized with the Regional Financial Management Agency (BPKD) Rejang Lebong Rejang Regency to 34 sub-districts so that its use is not wrong. According to him, this kelurahan financial assistance program has been launched since 2022, which in addition to being given to 122 villages is also 34 urban villages. "The difference is that this year each kelurahan gets assistance of Rp200 million and for villages it is still Rp100 million per village," he said.

In the distribution of financial assistance in 2022 from 34 urban villages in the area, only 12 kelurahan disbursed a budget of Rp. 100 million for each kelurahan, while 22 other kelurahan did not submit a request for disbursement on the grounds that they did not know the mechanism for its use. In the distribution of sub-district financial assistance in 2023, he continued, his party is targeting all urban villages to disburse it, so as to improve the community's economy.

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