
SURABAYA - During the half-hour of the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo sang tahlil and prayers beside the tomb of Sunan Ampel, Surabaya, Friday, March 17. The pilgrimage at the sunan grave, whose real name is Sheikh Ali Rahmatullah, is the first point of a series of random circuits that Ganjar played with his wife, Siti Atikoh before entering Ramadan.

Arriving at the funeral gate at 20.25 WIB. Ganjar was immediately surrounded by pilgrims who asked to shake hands. The tahlil Square and prayers were so rhythmic that they could be heard from the two parts of the funeral complex. Namely the male pilgrims and female pilgrims.

After hearing, Ganjar was immediately partnered with two descendants of Sunan Ampel to enter the burial area of the Sunan Ampel nuclear family which is located in the deepest part of the burial area. Gus Abubakar, a descendant of Sunan Ampel, said it was the most special pilgrimage venue.

"Not everyone can enter this section. Thank God we were able to take Pak Ganjar to this point," said Gus Abubakar.

Ganjar Pranowo immediately fell right next to the tomb of Sunan Ampel and sang the sentences of tasbih and tahlil led by Gus Abubakar. "Subhanallah wabihamdih, Subhanallahil 'adzim. Laa

As soon as the tahlil reading, Ganjar and his wife agreed with the prayers spoken by Gus Abdul Muis Azis who is the great-grandson of the founder of Nahdlatul Ulama, KH. Bisri Syansuri.

After praying, Ganjar said the pilgrimage to Sunan Ampel's grave was a series of Walisongo's invitations which took place from Friday 17 March to Sunday 19 March.

"We Indonesian Muslims know the tradition before Ramadan. And we started the landing at the tomb of Sunan Ampel," said Ganjar.

For Ganjar Pranowo, Sunan Ampel is a figure who is instrumental in the country's Muslims. Especially with all means of Sunan Ampel in preaching. Moh Limo, continued Ganjar, is an expression of Sunan Ampel's da'wah which is still very relevant.

Moh Limo, which means that he does not want to do five things, is the expression of Sunan Ampel who intends to get drunk (don't want to drink alcohol), please play (don't gamble), please don't commit adultery), ma'am (don't want to use drugs) and please thieves (don't want to steal).

"This method is an acculturation of da'wah so that it is easy for the public to accept it," said Ganjar.

Ganjar also said that another reason for Walisongo's journey, which he acted on, was to remember all the ways of the previous clerics' da'wah that did not get rid of local wisdom.

"After this the journey will continue to Sunan Gresik, Sunan Giri, Sunan Drajat and Sunan Bonang. On Sunday we will continue to the graves of Raden Fattah, Sunan Kalijaga, Sunan Muria and Sunan Gunungjati," concluded Ganjar Pranowo.

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