
HULU SUNGAI UTARA - A total of 2,693 children under five years old (Balita) in North Hulu Sungai Regency, South Kalimantan Province (Kalsel) experienced growth or stunting disruptions. Local governments also need assistance from many parties. "Of the 3,099 pregnant women received assistance and 80 toddlers received assistance from stunting father and fostered stunting," said an official from the North Hulu Sungai Regency Population and Family Control Office (HSU), Vivi Suprihatini, quoted by ANTARA, Friday 17 March.Data from the HSU Health Service as of 2023 there were 2,693 children experiencing stunting or 19, 77 out of a total of 13,639 children weighing through posyandu activities and others. There were 1,454 children also experiencing competitiveness or losing weight to total weight well below the standard growth curve. The 119 Stunting toddlers from underprivileged families have been verified to receive the assistance of the Father Foster Child Stunting Program (BAAS). While 80 children have received assistance from 41 foster fathers through the BAAS Program amounting to Rp45.000 per month. Meanwhile, 39 children have not received custody. Vivi also said that 3,099 pregnants received assistance up to 2022 by the Family Assistance Team (TPK) from the target of 4338 pregnant women set by the government for the Regency. HSU. Not long ago, the National Zakat Agency (Baznas) of HSU Regency also distributed assistance to Stunting children in Babirik District through the BAAS Program. The aid packages were given to as many as 119 children in the form of milk, eggs, sugar, green beans, rice and multivitamins which are expected to provide nutritional intake for children. "HSU Baznas only budgeted around Rp45,000 per child each month, where the first stage was assisted in handling for the next six months," said Deputy Chair II Baznas HSU, Jahri Saleh.

Baznas hopes that all people will also be involved in helping the BAAS program, such as entrepreneurs. Meanwhile, the local government made assistance and prevention efforts, including through the Stunting Children's Care Center Program (BAAS) and the Family Assistance Team.

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