
BANTUL - The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, found that the election matching and research (coklit) process by voter data updating officers (panterlih) in seven locations did not comply with applicable procedures.

The head of Bantul Bawaslu, Harlina, said that the seven polling stations (TPS)-based locations include one polling station in the Jetis District, two polling stations in Pleret, and four other polling stations spread across the Sewon and Banguntapan areas.

However, he said, before the voting process ended on March 14, 2023, all these places had followed up on suggestions and improvements from the local sub-district election supervisory committee (panwaslu).

"As a result of the investigation and plenary meeting, we made recommendations for improvement aimed at the PPK (district election committee) in seven places so that the sub-stage of the batrite by pantarih that is not in accordance with the procedure mechanism can be immediately improved," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, March 17.

Harlina said the election voting process that was not in accordance with the procedure was due to the pantarih who pocketed the decree (SK) as panterlih during the voting stage did not carry out its duties in the field.

However, he said, what was his task was instead transferred to other people or used jockeys. Therefore, Bawaslu requested that the process of confiscation be repeated and carried out by an official party.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Bantul KPU, Didik Joko Nugroho, said that all polling stations-based coklit activities carried out were running smoothly and completed according to the time limit set for March 14, 2023.

However, Didik admitted that in the process there were several locations where the slashing process had to be repeated because there was a selection that violated the procedure, but this had been repaired during the bankruptcy period.

"The findings were found by other people, not official elections. This is because the procedure is only procedures, not in accordance with procedures, then friends provide improvement suggestions, and have been carried out during the bankruptcy period," he said.

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