
TERNATE - Coordinator of the Prevention Division, Community Participation and Public Relations of North Maluku Bawaslu, Ikbal Ali said Bawaslu evaluated the mapping of election vulnerabilities and expected the active role of the community to provide information on supervision in the 2024 election.

"The election vulnerability index (IKP) in North Maluku is very high, therefore we hope that this discussion activity involving district and city Bawaslu can help in carrying out election supervision and simultaneous elections in 2024," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, March 17.

Therefore, according to him, supervision of democratic parties needs to involve all parties in order to minimize violations in the 2024 General Election.

Chairman of the Indonesian Bawaslu Puslitbangdiklat Irvanus Bestavino said that North Maluku Bawaslu continues to strengthen the electoral supervisory agency to the sub-district level, so that every organizer must comply with the code of ethics, as well as the code of ethics law to help mastery to work professionally, have integrity and be oriented towards democratic interests.

"This code of ethics is a guideline for the behavior of members along with clear and firm sanctions against violations of the code of ethics, which upholds the dignity and dignity of maintaining and seeing the welfare of supervisors ahead of close relationships that are closely monitored and determine the perpetrators, standards and others," he said.

In addition, he said, the function of the code of ethics is a guideline for all supervision on the ethical principles of behavioral standards and speech of election control in the implementation of the responsibility of duties and rights and obligations as well as their function as election settlement.

"For this reason, we as supervisors maintain the honor of the institution. If there is supervision that violates the law, indirectly Bawaslu will result in a bad image in public, reducing the burden on the legal system every day, the category of violations increases in line with the increasing quality of criminals, so that this is found in the accumulation of cases which are very large, resulting in overcrowded imprisonment," he said.

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