
West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Police asked the public to report if they found the police withdrawing fees or asking for illegal levies or extortion in resolving criminal cases through restorative justice efforts.

"Regarding RJ (restorative justice), please tell me if any of our members ask for money," said NTB Police Chief Inspector General Djoko Poerwanto in Mataram, NTB, Thursday, March 16, as reported by Antara.

Dalam penyelesaian melalui restorative justice, Djoko menjelaskan polisi tidak diperbolehkan melakukan pungli terhadap kedua pihak berperkara, baik terlapor atau terduga pelaku pidana maupun pelapor.

Djoko then explained that there were certain conditions in resolving cases without going through the restorative justice system.

"What are the conditions, there is an agreement from the parties to resolve it, there is no limit to a more detailed rule. However, the rules are flexible because both parties," he said.

Djoko also said that there were certain cases that could not be resolved with restorative justice efforts, one of which was a corruption case.

"What is certain is that there is no RJ corruption case. What is certain is that there is no RJ's loss of life. There is also no moral problem that interferes with the honor of RJ," he said.

By providing an overview of restorative justice, Djoko hopes that the public will understand that his party must not withdraw levies or fees to the parties on the grounds that the case can be resolved through restorative justice.

"Whatever the reason, it (the levy) is not allowed," said Djoko.

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