
SEMARANG - Governor Ganjar Pranowo received a working visit from the Working Committee for Discussion of the Bill on Central Java Province by Commission II of the DPR RI, Thursday, March 16. There were three things discussed in the meeting during the day.

Chairman of Commission II of the DPR RI, Ahmad Doli Kurnia, after the activity explained that his visit was to complete all laws, both provinces and regencies/cities, which had been constrained by two things.

"First, the legal basis is still not the 1945 constitution, it is still the RIS law. Second, it is not in accordance with the mandate of the 1945 law, which is indeed the establishment of one province, district, and city based on one law each," he explained.

Doli said that Commission II of the DPR RI had completed 12 provinces. Currently, they are pursuing the completion of the 8-provincial law, including Central Java.

The Golkar politician was happy because the meeting with the Central Java Provincial Government did not take long. Among other things, because the input from the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo has been very systematic.

"We get a lot of input, the presentation from the Governor is amazing good too, very systematic. That's why the meeting didn't take long, it just took us a moment to get the points," he said.

"The three inputs submitted by Governor Ganjar Pranowo are related, among others, to coverage or boundaries, historical analysis and the characteristics of development in Central Java. We will only take it to the DPR later and become an important input for us," he said.

Meanwhile, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo expressed his appreciation to Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives for the visit. The meeting, said Ganjar, became a momentum for harmonization and synchronization of regulatory differences.

"God willing, in no time, this month this law will also be completed. So we pick up the ball with the regional regulation," he said.

Ganjar Pranowo, who was also in Commission II of the DPR RI, said the important thing that was conveyed was related to the historical analysis. Currently, through Perda No. 7 of 2004, Central Java Province's Anniversary is August 15, 1950.

This is not in accordance with history, because Raden Pandji Soeroso Tjondranegoro was appointed the first Central Java Governor on August 19, 1945.

"Don't let the assumptions or thoughts that the first governor (Central Java) is not recognized, not. We recognize the entire governor. That there is a difference in the date of birth that is discussed, only needs a political decision based on the existing history. After agreeing we can run," said Ganjar.

The chairman of PP Kagama also encourages that the issue of coverage or regional boundaries can be determined on a definite basis. Is it with a landscape like what is currently running, or digitally.

"If the landscape can change, except for the agreement, 'Yes, there is no need to be digital'. So if the landscape changes, the boundaries will also change. But I think, with today's digital technology, we can make better sure," he said.

The third input, continued Ganjar Pranowo, is related to development characteristics. According to him, in general, all of Java is relatively the same. "Later, we'll just wait for the cluster to be like what. But we fully support it, we will give full data so that the city can get better legal certainty," he said.

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