
BANDUNG - Deputy Governor (Wagub) of West Java (Jabar) Uu Ruzhanul Ulum said the Islamic boarding school in West Java is magnificent but has been lost for a long time. For this reason, he demands to have economic resources to be able to survive generation-to-generation. He assessed that many Islamic boarding schools in West Java have shortcomings in the economic field and only rely on contributions from santri, zakat, infaq, and alms. "If you have special income, God willing, you will not rely on the income of the model, pesantren can continue to exist," said Uu, quoted by ANTAR, Thursday, March 16. Uu said that Islamic boarding schools in West Java usually stand majestic, but eventually their existence disappears because the successors to Islamic boarding schools have no legitimacy and are not supported by good economic sources. "But even in Islamic boarding schools outside West Java, the economy is great, having sugar factories, having a sugar factory, having a supermarket, the economy is tough. At the time of change of generation, because they do not rely on donations, pesantren outside West Java is still getting stronger," he said. For that, according to him, entrepreneurship education for students is important to do. The West Java Provincial Government (Pemprov), he said, has programs to encourage this through the One Islamic Boarding School One Product (OPOP) Program.

In addition, he continued, students also need to understand the digital business system through various e-commerce. One of them, he said, was done by e-commerce Shopee by educating students through the Shopee Barokah Program. "We hope that this activity has a domino effect, where students who have been educated become great entrepreneurs in the future, then pesantren who get this program have a great economic source," he said., after entering the digital ecosystem. For this reason, he also wants to have the same positive impact on the Islamic boarding school environment, which is known to have produced many quality products.

In addition, he also hopes that Shopee Barokah can contribute to the development of the sharia economy in West Java. "The program from the Islamic Boarding School for Islamic Boarding Schools is presented to bring fellow students to the next level, and can achieve economic independence. Besides being able to have a positive impact on the surrounding environment," said Bukhori.

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