
YOGYAKARTA - Anwar Usman who is also President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) brother-in-law has been re-elected as chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK) for the period 2023-2028. Anwar was elected by voting or voting until the third round. Then sexteti, what is Anwar Usman's profile?

In the vote held at the Constitutional Court Building, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, March 15, 2023, Anwar Usman was able to vote five votes. Meanwhile, Arief Hidayat received four votes.

The election of Anwar Usman after the Constitutional Court held a prison vote three times. The reason is, in the two elections of Anwar Usman and Arief Hidayat received a draw. The following is a profile from Anwar Usman:

The man who was born on December 31, 1956, grew up in Rasabau Village, Bolo District, Bima, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). After graduating from the Bima State Religious Teacher Education School (PGAN), Anwar then went to Jakarta and became an honorary teacher at an Elementary School (SD).

During his time as a teacher, Anwar Usman even continued his education to the undergraduate level of the Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Jakarta. Uniquely, even though he became an Anwar Law student, it was also said that he existed in theater activities.

He was also said to have been invited to fight acting in a film called Perempuan in Pasungan, starring Nungki Kusumastuti, Frans Tumbuan and Rini S Bono from a well-known director Ismail Soebarjo in 1980.

Ended up holding a Bachelor of Law in 1984, Anwar even visited the exam as a candidate for judge. He finally graduated and was appointed a Candidate for Judge of the Bogor District Court in 1985.

At the Supreme Court (MA), the positions that Anwar had held included the Assistant Supreme Court Justice, the Head of the Supreme Court's Personnel Bureau, the Jakarta High Court Judge, the Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, until now as Chairman of the Indonesian Constitutional Court.

Anwar became President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) brother-in-law after marrying Idayati in 2022.

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