
JAKARTA - Commission II of the DPR RI approved a Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 1 of 2022 concerning Amendments to Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections, which was brought to a plenary meeting to be ratified into law.

Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian, stated that with the approval of this Election Perppu, the 2024 General Election will continue according to the stages regulated by the Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU).

Initially, Tito explained that the Election Perppu only had two options, namely being approved or rejected by the DPR. He appreciated the nine factions in the DPR in fact that he agreed that the Election Perppu would be brought to a second level discussion for decision making in a plenary meeting. "All factions have agreed. In the 1945 Constitution, it is also regulated in Article 22 that the Perppu has only two options, namely approved or rejected," Tito said at the Commission II Working Meeting of the DPR RI at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Wednesday, March 15.

Tito explained that if the Election Perppu was rejected, the government would issue regulations to revoke it. It's just that, he said, the impact of the revocation would certainly be very broad.

"If it is rejected, then we will issue a regulation to be revoked and declared invalid, and that the consequences are very broad, and very, very fundamental for the journey of this nation," Tito explained.

For example, Tito continued, one article requiring 4 New Autonomous Regions (DOB) must have a DPD. If it is not granted then none of the political parties will meet the requirements for factual verification.

"The easiest thing is from one article, which requires four DOBs there must be a DPD, so on December 14, 2022, when the KPU verifies factually, it means that none of the political parties meet the requirements because there are no DPDs in the four new DOBs. And as a result, it means that there are no election participants, if there are no election participants, it means that the election is postponed," he explained. This provides certainty to all parties, I think for this nation, "said Tito. The contents of the Perppu Perppu Number 1 of 2022 concerning amendments to Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections, as follows:

1. Article 10A (Government of KPU Formation in New Province)

Arrangements regarding the mandate of the KPU formation, starting with the implementation of the task, function and authority of the Provincial KPU in the transition period province and the Appointment mechanism for the first time.

2. Article 92A (Settings for the Formation of Bawaslu in New Province)

Arrangements regarding the mandate for the formation of Bawaslu, starting from the implementation of the task, function and authority of the Provincial Bawaslu in the new province during the transition period as well as the Appointment mechanism for the first time.

3. Article 117 (Earth Adjustment for the Election Supervisory Adhoc Body to accommodate Bawaslu's difficulties in the Adhoc institution's recruitment)

In the event that there are no candidates for Panwaslu Kelurahan/Village and TPS Supervisors who meet the requirements for the age of 21 years, they can be filled by candidates for Panwaslu members of Kelurahan/Village and TPS Supervisors who are at least 17 (seventeen) years old with the approval of the Regency/City Bawaslu.

4. Article 173 (Parliament of Political Parties Participating in the Election)

Based on Article 173 paragraph (2) letter b and letter g of Law no. 7 of 2017 concerning Elections states that the requirements for political parties participating in the Election are "to have management in all provinces and permanent offices". Given that political parties need time for the formation of management and other supporting facilities, arrangements are needed regarding exceptions to the terms of office management for permanent political parties in the new province. This exception must be carried out to strengthen legitimacy for political parties participating in the election.

5. Article 179 (Political Party Urut Number)

Political parties that have met the provisions of the national vote acquisition threshold for the election of members of the DPR in 2019 and have been designated as Election Participants can use the same serial number in the 2019 General Election or follow the determination of the number of political parties participating in the general election together with the new party which was held in an open KPU plenary session attended by representatives of the Election Contesting Political Party.

6. Article 186 (The Number of Seats and Electoral Districts of the Indonesian House of Representatives in the New Province)

As a consequence of the provisions of Article 20 of the Law on the Establishment of 4 (four) new regions in the Papua and West Papua regions, the Uipenunai adjustment to the number of seats and electoral districts for the DPR RI.

7. Article 243 (Determination of Candidates for Provincial DPRD Members)

To anticipate the lack of the formation of provincial-level political party administrators in 4 (four) new areas in the Papua and West Papua regions, a mechanism for determining the prospective members of the Provincial DPRD by the central-level political party management is regulated.

8. Article 276 (Changes in the start of the Election Campaign, Determination of the List of Permanent Candidates (DCT), Members of the DPR, DPD, Provincial DPRD, Regency/City DPRD, and Determination of the Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates).

The Election Campaign has been held since 25 (twenty five) days after the permanent list of candidates for DPR members, DPD members, provincial DPRD members, and district/city DPRD members for the DPR election, DPD members, and DPRD members and implemented since 15 (fifteen) days after being appointed as Candidate Pairs for the Presidential and Vice Presidential Elections until the start of the Calm Period. This change is to anticipate problems in the printing and logistics distribution process where previously the Election Campaign was held since 3 (three) days after DCT was determined.

9. Article 568A (The Need to anticipate the Implementation of the IKN regional elections)

Implementation of the Presidential and Vice Presidential Elections, elections for members of the DPRD, members of the provincial DPRD, and members of the district/city DPRD in 2024 in the province of East Kalimantan which is included in the area of the capital city of the archipelago as referred to in Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital (Determines February 15, 2022), still guided by the DPR RI in Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections (Determinated on August 15, 2017)

10. Amendments to the Appendix of the Law

Appendix I Changes: Number of Provincial and Regency/City KPU Members; Attachment II: Number of Provincial and Regency/City Bawaslu Members; Attachment III: Number of Chairs and Electoral Districts of the DPR RI; Attachment IV: Number of Seats and Electoral Districts of the Provincial DPRD.

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