
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Steering Committee (SC) Formula E Bambang Soesatyo alias Bamsoet wants Formula E Jakarta to be held in the style of street race on the highway.

This was conveyed by Bamsoet after meeting the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono at the DKI Jakarta City Hall in order to discuss the 2023 Formula E event. Bamsoet was accompanied by Formula E Chief Championship Officer Alberto Longo and several committees.

"In 2024, most likely, we talked to Alberto and the Governor, we are no longer on the Ancol circuit, but we are street circuits in the city. Well, this is more interesting," said Bamsoet, Tuesday, March 14.

Bamsoet expressed this desire because the implementation of Formula E in other countries was carried out on inner-city roads. Meanwhile, in 2022, Formula E will be held, namely the Jakarta International E-Prix Circuit (JIEC) in Ancol, North Jakarta.

In fact, in planning Formula E since 2019, former DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan had wanted Formula E to be held in the National Monument (Monas) area, including Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan and Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur.

Unfortunately, the central government did not allow it. Finally, last year's electric car race was held in Ancol with a special circuit.

Continuing, the Chairperson of the Formula Committee E Ananda Mikola said that the option for the Formula E event on the highway that the committee wanted was on Jalan Sudirman or Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan which is located in front of the DKI City Hall.

"The route is still being considered. The potential one is in Sudirman or in front of City Hall," said Ananda.

On that occasion, Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono invited Formula E to be held this year. Moreover, according to Heru, Formula E in 2023 is a general activity that is not organized by the government.

"The name is public activity, go ahead," said Heru.

The general activity referred to by Heru in the Formula E race on June 3 and 4, 2023, is no longer funded by the government, but uses a business to business (B2B) scheme between PT Jakpro as the organizer BUMD and Formula E Operation.

In a sense, there will be no additional costs from the APBD after its planning from 2019 to 2022. At that time, the DKI Provincial Government disbursed IDR 560 billion for the commitment fee from the APBD.

"Mr. Alberto, Mr. Bamsoet, Ananda Mikola, conveyed the agenda for Formula E activities. What was conveyed earlier was this ordinary activity like the general business to business and he understood that this was between Jakpro and Formula E," said Heru.

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