
The Transjakarta Olimo bus stop in West Jakarta is back in operation starting today, Tuesday, March 14. The Olimo bus stop serves corridor 1 of the Blok M-Kota route, route 1A (Balaikota-Pantaki Maju), and route 3H (Jambar-Kota).

"The operation of the customer's Olimo Bus Stop, which previously went up and down at the Mangga Besar Bus Stop or Glodok Bus Stop, can go up or down at the Olimo Bus Stop," said Head of Transjakarta Corporate Secretary Division Apriastini Bakti Bugiansri in his statement.

The Olimo bus stop is a bus stop that is being repaired as an effort to improve services to Transjakarta customers.

"It is hoped that the operation of the Olimo bus stop can facilitate mobility and increase customer convenience," he said

Previously, PT Transjakarta also re-opened four bus stops that had been revitalized, namely the Juanda Bus Stop, the MH Thamrin bus stop, the Dukuh Atas 1 stop, and the Jatipadang bus stop, starting yesterday.

Head of the Transjakarta Corporate Secretary Division, Apriastini Bakti Bugiansri, said that the four stops were part of the 46 revitalization stops that were completed in stages and could be used to serve customers.

"The operation of the Juanda bus stop as an integrated bus stop with Juanda KRL Station will facilitate the mobility of Transjakarta customers, especially those who will transit or move modes from KRL to Transjakarta or vice versa," said Apri.

The opening time of these four stops is delayed from the previous target. Transjakarta previously targeted the revitalization of 46 Transjakarta stops to be completed by the end of 2022. Then, until the end of 2023, Transjakarta targets the revitalization of the bus stop to be carried out with a total of 72 stops.

"Given the end of PPKM, people are starting to return to their activities outside the home, so the expansion of bus stop capacity is considered very important and urgent," he explained.

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