
JAKARTA - Residents of the Kelapa Muda Tiga complex, Koja, North Jakarta were surprised by the discovery of a baby girl lying on the side of the road. The discovery shocked local residents, because the little baby was still alive even though he was finally taken to the Police Hospital for health checks.

Police information, there are CCTV camera footage showing the male and female couple suspected of throwing the baby away. It appears that the alleged perpetrator was riding a motorbike in the Koja complex area. The incident occurred Monday, March 13, in the afternoon.

Dika, one of the residents, said that initially a herbal medicine driver who was selling and crossing each other on the street saw a couple riding a motorbike throwing their baby on the side of the road.

Suddenly the herbal medicine trader immediately rescued the baby. Meanwhile, the alleged perpetrator left the scene.

"Then the herbal medicine maker immediately summoned the local residents and the head of the RT based on his findings," Dika told reporters, Tuesday, March 14.

While being contacted separately by the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Koja Police, AKP Yayan Heri Setiawan said that his party was conducting an investigation regarding the lovers suspected of throwing the baby away.

"Still being investigated for the perpetrators. (The baby) is still healthy and is now being treated at the Police Hospital," he concluded.

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