
The Agam Resort Police, West Sumatra arrested a resident of Monggong Jorong IV Surabayo, Lubukbasung District who was suspected of possessing methamphetamine. Head of the Agam Police Narcotics Criminal Unit AKP Aleyxi Aubeydillah in Lubukbasung, said members in addition to arresting the suspect with the initials Z (40) also secured evidence in the form of a package of methamphetamine ready for a distribution weighing 2.07 grams, cell phones and others. "The methamphetamine was wrapped in a tissue stored in a pocket of right front pants to trick members. During the arrest, the perpetrator was cooperative and did not fight," said the Police Chief, quoted from Antara Sunday, March 12.

He said the arrest was based on reports from the public regarding Z suspected of being the perpetrator of narcotics abuse and currently possessing or controlling methamphetamine. Responding to this information, the Agam Police Narcotics Satres Opsnal Team immediately went to the scene and then arrested the alleged perpetrator. "The investigation at the scene of the case found evidence. "The perpetrator admitted that the methamphetamine belonged to him and then the perpetrator and the evidence were taken to the Agam Police Headquarters for further investigation," he said.

For his actions, the perpetrator was threatened with Article 114 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 112 paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics with a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and a minimum of five years in prison.

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