
JAKARTA - Mrs. Hj Koesniharningsih reportedly passed away today, Sunday, March 12, at around 04.49 WIB, at the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital, Central Jakarta. Finance Minister Sri Mulyani was seen at the funeral home, on Jalan Canal Lembang Number 54D, Menteng, Central Jakarta.

"I hereby express my condolences for the death of Mrs. Hj Koesniharningsih, the wife of Mr. Moeldoko. Mr. Moeldoko earlier told me that the deceased had suffered from illness for a long time. " said Sri Mulyani at the funeral home, Sunday, March 12.

"On behalf of myself and the entire Ministry of Finance, condolences and condolences. May his spirit get a good place and husnul khotimah. For Mr. Moeldoko and his family, strength and patience are given." he added.

Sri Mulyani explained that she and the deceased only had time to meet several times in an event. So when asked about his relationship with the deceased, there is not much to explain.

I have never had contact with a mother (deceased), but had a chance to meet in several celebrations. He is a warm person and very supportive of Mr. Moeldoko and unfortunately with him. So this is a moment of loss. Hopefully he and his family can be patient and tough.

When asked what illness the deceased suffered?

"Later, the family will explain."

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