
Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo said the disaster response team consisting of volunteers, BPBD, and SAR had gone to the field to map and help evacuate residents in areas affected by the eruption of Mount Merapi, Saturday, March 11. Logistical needs including masks and refugee camps have also been prepared by the team in the field.

"Until this afternoon there was smoke, then the stones began to appear. I had communicated with several friends to check," said Ganjar when met before releasing President Joko Widodo to Jakarta at Adi Soemarmo Air Base, Saturday, March 11.

The latest report received by Ganjar Pranowo, until 15.00, there were three areas in Central Java that were affected by the eruption of Mount Merapi. Among others, l, Magelang Regency, Klaten Regency, and Boyolali Regency. Locations in Magelang Regency include Dukun District, Sawangan District, and Srumbung District.

In the report received by Ganjar, it was also stated that volcanic ash began to fall and impacted several areas. This is shown from several photos or pictures received by Ganjar from the team in the field.

"Until today (sore) we have sent them from the BPBD team. Magelang Regency, we have deployed three teams to go to three sub-districts as well as assessments in each location and bring masks assistance because this is the first needed," explained Ganjar.

In addition, it was also stated that volcanic ash began to fall and impacted several areas. This is shown from several photos or pictures received by Ganjar from the team in the field.

"In Klaten Regency, there is one team that we encourage to conduct an assessment at the location, later they will look according to weather conditions and the wind related to the ash cover there. Then, another team is in Boyolali. So we have pushed these three points there. Hopefully today the community can help," said Ganjar.

Ganjar also instructed the team in the field to prioritize the safety of residents. If the situation increases, the evacuation of residents must be carried out immediately. Regional heads in Magelang, Klaten, and Boyolali are asked to come down to lead the handling at the location, including preparing logistics.

"Hopefully the community, including friends in village heads, volunteers, BPBD, SAR, and all those there can immediately go down to help. The refugee camps already exist, just prepare them because the people there are actually relatively trained. I ask the regional heads in Magelang, Klaten, and Boyolali Regencies to be able to help lead this condition so that they can then direct the residents there, including the logistics prepared everything," he explained.

It is known, Mount Merapi erupted on Saturday, March 11 afternoon. Quoted from the Twitter account of the Geological Disaster Technology Research and Development Center (BPPTKG) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, hot cloud avalanches occurred at around 12.12 WIB. The hot cloud fall led to Bebeng and Krasak rivers. The danger radius was set as far as 7 kilometers from the summit of Mount Merapi.

Finally, Ganjar appealed to the public to immediately evacuate themselves if conditions worsened. He asked the public to follow the existing SOP and wear masks.

"The people there understand very well, so immediately evacuate themselves in accordance with the existing SOPs, wear masks, bring valuables that have been trained to them. Immediately evacuate yourself, follow all orders from the command in the field," concluded Ganjar Pranowo.

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