
JAKARTA - The reconstruction of the case of persecution of David Ozora raises new facts, especially the role of AG perpetrators. One of them is about smoking which illustrates the indifferent attitude when David was asked to be curtuous by Mario Dandy Satryo

AG's lawyer, Mangata Toding Allo, did not deny this. However, it is said that his party only found out about it.

"Indeed, there are several facts that we just found out, such as smoking and others," Mangata told VOI, Saturday, March 11.

The reason is, while accompanying AG in dealing with the legal process, his client never mentioned the smoking.

However, continued Mangata, the results of the reconstruction also denied various issues that arose regarding AG. For example, about taking selfies when David was helpless.

"So from the start, at the time of the condition, it was true that Agnes was the first to stick at the crime scene. There was no selfie, right, no incident," he said.

On the other hand, Mangata began to mention CCTV footage which is one of the bases of the reconstruction scene.

According to him, from the CCTV footage there was an AG scene that had turned his eyes when Mario assaulted David.

"So we are about Agnes's position at the time of the beating, we also clarified it and we saw on CCTV yesterday that Agnes' reconstruction had turned away and that would be corrected later," said Mangata.

For information, from the results of the reconstruction, it was revealed that the role of AG in the series of cases of persecution of David Ozora by Mario Dandy Satryo.

The perpetrator of the child turned out to be participating in recording Mario Dandy Satryo's brutal actions when beating David. In fact, AG did not show an attitude of empathy or sympathy.

Because, he did not intervene with the persecution. AG actually casually smoked when David was asked to repent with his head on the asphalt and hands on the back.

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