
JAKARTA Police officers managed to secure one perpetrator of the attack at the Cipayung Police Station, East Jakarta, which is located on Jalan Raya at Hankam Headquarters, Bambu Apus Village, Cipayung District, East Jakarta, Friday, March 10, at around 17:15 WIB.

The big man with a bright look carried two machetes at once and then shouted in front of the Cipayung Police Station. Suddenly the reckless action made the police officers inside the police officers curious and act immediately.

Based on the information obtained, the incident began when members of the Cipayung Police were carrying out pickets. Suddenly came the perpetrator who was riding a motorcycle and immediately parked in front of the entrance.

Then the perpetrator got down while removing two sharp weapons (sajam) of the type of machete that was held with both hands. While screaming at the threat of members "Your guard, don't dare to arrest me. You catch me. I slash you".

Furthermore, members tried to reduce the perpetrator's emotions, to reduce the knife, but the perpetrator remained angry and tried to attack a member named Paryanto who wore an official uniform.

Furthermore, after that the perpetrator broke the windshield of the patrol car and the windshield of the entrance to the Police Headquarters. Then the members again took persuasive steps to put down the knife but the perpetrator still did not want to put down the knife. When the perpetrator was caught off guard, the members immediately arrested and secured the perpetrator.

There were no injured or fatalities in this incident. The perpetrator was arrested by police officers and secured a number of evidences in the form of two sharp weapons (sajam) of the type of machete, a pack of plastic gasoline containing two bottles of mineral water, a wallet containing 3 ATMs, the perpetrator's ID card and Rp50 thousand in cash, a Nokia cellphone, and a Vario no.pol B-5931-TEN motorcycle.

Cipayung Police, Raya Hankam Headquarters, Bambu Apus Village, Cipayung District, East Jakarta was attacked by an unknown person (OTK) using a sharp weapon. Based on information obtained, the attack took place on Friday afternoon, March 10, at around 17.15 WIB.

The perpetrator is known as Antoni Pasaribu, from Pekabaru, who was born in 1990 with his address at Jalan SMA 64, RT02/03, Cipayung, East Jakarta.

As many as six witnesses from the police, Yaki AKP Maryono, Iptu Mujiran, Aipda Paryanto, Bripka Suwandi, Aiptu Mugiono, Aipda Kurnia Setiawan, Aipda Zaenal Abidin

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