
JAKARTA - At least three orders from Mario Dandy were shown in the reconstruction of the persecution of David Ozora today, Friday, March 20 afternoon.

Reka scene itu berlangsung di tempat kejadian perkara kawasan Pesanggaran Jakarata Selatan. Dihadirkan langsung tersangka Mario Dandy dan Shane Lukas. Sedangkan pelaku anak AG dan korban David Ozora menggunakan peran pengganti.

Mario Dandy's order began with intimidation to invite David's duel. David, who refused Mario's challenge, was instructed by Mario to push up 50 times.

However, David was only 20 times strong and considered untrue in doing push-ups.

David then sat down to see Mario exemplifying push-ups with his handpaling position while the fingerprints came into contact with the asphalt.

The victim then took a push-up with his hand holding. Right then Shane changed Mario's instructions.

"Otherwise, don't push it, it's a pity you just open your hands," said the investigator imitating Shene's words according to the minutes.

After trying, David was only strong three times. Not satisfied, Mario asked David for a token.

To smooth out his plans, Mario again gave orders. This time to Shane to set an example of a tough attitude as he meant.

Mario's order to his colleague was in a slightly high tone.

"LS was exemplified for the MDS instructions. There was a slight scream from MDS," said the investigator.

The moment was then seen by the perpetrators of AG's child who came out of the passenger seat towards the back of the Robicon car at the location of the incident.

The tobat position is like a physical punishment in the military with legs standing up while the body following the position of the head that touches the asphalt. Dri's hand did it behind the body.

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