Polda Metro Jaya will present Mario Dandy, the main suspect in David's persecution to the location of the Green Permata Housing case, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta.
When he was taken from the detention room, Mario Dandy ran and was escorted by several officers in black.
Rafael Alun's son wore an orange shirt with the words 'HELD' behind him and shorts.
There is no explanation as to why officers and Mario Dandy ran. There were also not many media crews who made coverage at the location. In the video, Rubicon black B 120 DEN was also taken by officers.
According to investigators, the reconstruction was carried out starting from the plan to meet the suspect Mario Dandy with AG. AG was then picked up by the suspect at his school.
The next time Mario dandy picked up Shane and with Agnes to the location of the case.
The next scene is to go to the house of the witness who was with the victim David at that time.
"Furthermore, we headed to the TKP and finally evacuated the witness against the victim to the hospital," said the investigator at the location.
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