
JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin emphasized that the government's spirit continues to be committed to building prosperity and peace in Papua, never going out.

"Although efforts to bring prosperity and peace in Papua are not an easy job, the government with all its resources and efforts will continue to work to present this," said the Vice President, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, March 10.

The Vice President said that currently the government is continuing to encourage development in Papua, both physical development in the form of infrastructure and human development.

"The commitment shown by the government is clear, either through the direct presence of the President who repeatedly went to Papua, or through massive development throughout Papua," he said.

In addition, said the Vice President, as the Head of the Steering Committee for the Acceleration of Special Autonomy for Papua or the Papuan Steering Committee, he has also visited Papua several times to witness the progress of accelerating Papuan development.

"Some time ago, there was a expansion of four provinces with the intention of shortening the range of control, as well as bringing government services closer to people in all corners of Papua," he said.

He asked that these opportunities be used as well as possible by all parties to build the welfare of the Papuan people.

He emphasized that the government's spirit to build Papua has never subsided even though the COVID-19 pandemic had hit.

"We realize that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the last three years has disrupted the world's economic foundations. However, we should be grateful, because the way we deal with COVID-19 makes our economy not fall. In fact, we are considered one of the best countries capable of overcoming this global pandemic," he said.

Not only that, continued the Vice President, Indonesia's leadership in the international arena also received world appreciation. The success of the G20 Presidency is now followed by the ability in the Chairship of ASEAN 2023, as well as through the membership of the Champion Group of the Global Crisis Response Group at the United Nations.

"We are also seriously trying to bring world peace in accordance with the mandate of our constitution, namely through quality diplomacy to stop war disputes and other world crises, both due to war, and caused by natural disasters," he explained.

Furthermore, the Vice President said that he believed that the Papuan Muslim Council and all elements of society in Papua would continue to work together to seek peace in Papua.

"I am sure that the five basic attitudes of the Papuan Muslim Council, namely Moderate, Tolerant, Firm, Balanced, and Dialogue, will help Papua not to be trapped in setbacks and social disasters," he said.

Because, according to the Vice President, people in Papua have become used to facing and passing various tests that threaten human values.

Therefore, I put high hopes and trust in the Papuan Muslim Council, not to tire of building efforts to bring peace, and to actively contribute to development in Papua, "he asked.

The Vice President also hopes that the Papuan Muslim Council will continue to build honest, equal, and fair communication with all components of society, especially with religious and traditional institutions in Papua.

"To the ondoaf, mannwir, and king, as well as tribal chiefs throughout Papua, I entrust Papuan Muslim brothers and sisters. I believe in the noble cultural values of the Papuan people who uphold humanity," he said.

On this occasion the Vice President also appreciated and expressed his sincere gratitude to religious leaders and traditional leaders in Papua who continue to work hand in hand to accelerate development in Papua. According to him, the cooperation between the two is very important as the spearhead for accelerating development through a cultural and humanist approach.

"To Christians, Catholics, Hindus and Buddhists, I hope that never get tired of building communication and cooperation with Islamic individuals and institutions throughout Papua," he said.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Committee for the Latifah B. Alhamid Congress reported that the theme of the Papua Muslim Council congress this time was the 'Institutional Reposition and Revitalization of Organizational Roles in Realizing the Goals of the Papuan Muslim Council'.

According to him, through this theme, the Papuan Muslim Council wants to reorganize and at the same time strengthen the organization internally with a number of clear and real programs to answer needs while strengthening the role of organizations in social life.

"Therefore, the commitment to make Islam a blessing for the universe is always the main basis in organizational ideology," he said.

This noble commitment, continued Latifah, which surrounds and becomes a spirit in the implementation of the III Congress of the Papua Muslim Council which will take place on March 9-12 2023 at the Suni Hotel and Convention Abepura, Jayapura.

This is a forum that aims (to) evaluate the journey of the organization in one term of management. The III congress is also a momentum to re-smooth up the qualified and straighten out noble intentions, as well as a reminder of the responsibility of the faith of every Muslim, namely as a khalifatullah fil ardh. The main task is to realize prosperity, prosperity and peace for all creatures in the universe, rahmatan lil alamin," he explained.

Externally, said Latifah, the III Congress of the Papuan Muslim Council is expected to be a reflection point as well as an update of the commitment to humanity, justice, and a more dignified life for all elements of the nation in Papua.

"The Papuan Muslim assembly wants to ensure that in this Congress III there will be a number of strategic decisions that will further strengthen this commitment," he explained.

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