
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said that the State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN) is important to prevent corrupt practices. Each agency is encouraged to issue severe sanctions for its employees who do not submit reports.

"(Sanctions, ed) for example, there will be a discount of a certain percentage of allowances for state administrators who are stubborn and do not report their LHKPN," said KPK LHKPN Director Isnaini as quoted from his written statement, Friday, March 10.

In addition to strict sanctions from agencies, Article 5 of Law Number 28 of 1999 concerning the Implementation of a State that is Clean and Free from Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism also recorded administrative sanctions. Isnaini emphasized that officials who do not report will certainly be entangled.

Furthermore, he said that the reporting of assets at the KPK is now digital-based, namely using artificial intelligence (AI). The LHKPN, which has no problem, said Isnaini, will immediately be printed a receipt.

Meanwhile, those deemed outside reasonable or outliers will be detected by AI and immediately checked manually by the LHKPN KPK Team. However, checking can only be done if the power of attorney is attached by officials.

"We will check every required data such as in banks or other agencies that have something to do with the case," explained Isnaini.

The LHKPN that has been processed by the KPK in 2022 has reached 382,020, which is divided into executive, legislative, judicial, BUMN/BUMD clumps. Meanwhile, as of this year, as of March there were 375,750 mandatory reports that had submitted their assets.

"With a percentage of 98.36 percent and compliance of 95.47 percent," he concluded.

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