
JAKARTA - Activist of the Coordinating Board (Badko) of the Islamic Student Association (HMI) Sulselbartama Syahrir questioned the fake diploma that allegedly hit one of the KAHMI presidiums, namely M. Rifqinizami, a PDIP politician.

"HMI is an intellectual-based cadre organization. Therefore, the KAHMI presidium must also reflect this principle. If there is an MN KAHMI leader who is indicated to have fake certificates, it must be thoroughly investigated, to maintain the dignity of HMI institutions and cadres throughout Indonesia," said shot Syahrir in his statement, in Jakarta, Thursday, March 9.

Rifqi, as the PDI-P politician from the South Kalimantan electoral district is familiarly called, is a member of the Presidium of MN KAHMI who was elected to the National Conference in Palu in November 2022.

"Given the seriousness of this issue, we urge the Ethical Council of MN KAHMI to summon and investigate the issue of this fake certificate of Kakoda Rifqi," said vikram syahrir.

"Even if it is proven true, it is better for Kakanda Rifqi to be a knight by resigning from the presidium of the National KAHMI," he concluded.

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