
JAKARTA - President Director of Perumda PAM Jaya Arief Nasrudin said there were still complaints from residents about clean water served with a smell of capital. However, said Arief, it turned out to be in good condition.

Arief explained that kapriit is a chemical that is soluble in water. PAM Jaya uses a caporit in water treatment before being distributed to customers. The goal is to kill the bad bacteria contained in the water.

"Bau kapriit in water is good. The poret neutralizes water because all of these bacteria do pass through it. The pore is one of the types of chemicals that we use," said Arief in a discussion at the City Hall of DKI Jakarta, Thursday, March 9.

Arief ensured that PAM water with the smell of caporite was safe to consume. With a note, PAM water that is currently flowed to consumers cannot be directly drunk.

Although PAM produces water at a water treatment plant (IPA) whose condition can be directly drunk, the PAM pipe that flows water to many residents is in a dazed condition. In addition, there is a leaking pipe, so that the water flowing becomes polluted.

"Our pipes to go to the house are still leaking. So, like it or not (the water consumed by PAM) the community must be cooked," said Arief.

Arief emphasized that the smell of caporite on PAM water is too strong, even like the smell of water in the swimming pool is also not too good because it can disturb the community.

Therefore, Arief asked PAM Jaya customers to report if this condition occurred. Later, PAM Jaya officers will look for the cause and solution.

"If it smells too strong, report it immediately. Because the smell of caporite on PAM water should not be too strong. Because indeed, to make sure the bacteria really die (with high levels of caporite), it's not necessarily good for humans either," he added.

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