
PASAMAN BARAT - The General Election Commission of West Pasaman Regency (KPU), West Sumatra, immediately clarified to the lower level regarding the findings of more than 400 people whose names were used as members of political parties during the factual verification of membership of election candidates for election participants from 19 to 27 October 2022. The alleged violation of the findings of the local election supervisory body (bawaslu) during the matching of research and updating of the 2024 election voter data. "We will clarify and "Checking down on indications and allegations of violations to confirm in detail about the potential problems," said West Pasaman Regency KPU Data and Information Planning Division Coordinator Alfi Syahrin as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, March 9. Alfi Syahrin expressed his gratitude to the West Pasaman Regency Bawaslu partners who provided input related to findings in the field. "On these findings, we know where the potential points are indicated and the alleged violation by the voter updating officer," he said. According to him, conceptually the KPU and Bawaslu have the same vision and mission, namely how all stages can run in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. He believes that this indication and alleged violation will not occur because Bawaslu Pasaman Barat and his staff below always carry out inherent supervision in the work of voter updating officers in the field. West Pasaman Bawaslu monitoring method, he said, it must prioritize prevention methods, both verbal and written. "With this method, we believe and believe that these indications and allegations do not exist or can be resolved by our ranks under the supervisory committee in the field," he said. Before the sub-district election committee (PPK), the voting committee (PPS), and the voter updating officer at work, his party has given technical guidance to always work in accordance with applicable electoral regulations. giving directions to always obey and obey the applicable laws and regulations. If there is a problem, the KPU ranks always resolve it together with the supervisory committee in the field. All problems below, he said, can be resolved and resolved under with the supervisory committee who carries out inherent supervision. "If there are indications, of course we will always follow up on these indications and allegations in accordance with applicable laws and regulations," he said. The West Pasaman KPU also always carries out monitoring, supervision, and evaluation of the work of the voter updating committee in the field with the team.

Previously, the Bawaslu of West Pasaman Regency wrote to the local KPU regarding suggestions for improvements to the findings of the results of the supervision of the matching of research and updating of voter data for the 2024 General Election. The letter was sent after the committee for updating voter data in all sub-districts indicated that they did not comply with procedures when matching and researching voter lists for the 2024 General Election.

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