
JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko said President Joko Widodo had prepared a basis for Indonesia to jump into a big country.

The foundation is in the form of infrastructure development, human resource development, bureaucratic reform, regulation improvements that can provide certainty, and economic transformation.

"These five bases are prepared for Indonesia to jump. And these are all intended for the younger generation. Don't be in vain," said Moeldoko, while representing President Joko Widodo receiving the "Life Time Achivement Award" from the Obsession Media Group (OMG) at the 2023 Obsession Award, at the Kempinski Hotel Indonesia, Wednesday Night, March 8.

Moeldoko said that President Jokowi has a big obsession with Indonesia. Namely, Indonesia, which has no single citizen left behind in achieving its ideals, democratic Indonesia, Indonesia, a state of law that does not discriminate, Indonesia, which has the same knowledge and technology as developed countries, and Indonesia, which won global competitions.

"Let us support the President's obsession, which solely wants Indonesia to advance and excel at the world level," said Moeldoko.

For information, the Obsession Media Group gave the "Life Time Achievement Award" category to President Joko Widodo because it was considered to have succeeded in strengthening Indonesian unity and fostering public participation in the progress of the nation and state.

President Jokowi has also proven successful in resolving the problem of the COVID-19 pandemic well and quickly, so that Indonesia can rise, recover, and grow.

The Obsession Award by the Obsession Media Group is held every year as a form of appreciation to officials, entrepreneurs, government agencies and private companies who are considered to have dedication and contribute to the development of the nation and state.

Several figures who have received the Obsession Award include KH Ma'ruf Amien, Anies Baswedan, General Wiranto, Akbar Tandjung, and Surya Paloh.

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