
PALANGKARAYA - Head of the Population Control Service, Family Planning, Women's Empowerment, Child Protection and Community Empowerment (DPPKBP3APM) Palangka Raya City, Central Kalimantan Province (Kalteng), Sahdin Hasan, said a park in the local city was declared a Child Friendly Playroom (RBRA).

"The playing room at Taman Nyahu Papan Taliwu, Alhamdulillah, by the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KPPPA) is declared a Child Friendly Playroom," said Sahdin as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, March 8.

He said the title was obtained after the KPPPA auditor team conducted an examination of the fulfillment of eligibility facilities and infrastructure in the park.

In conclusion, Taman Nyahu Papan Taliwu on Jalan Seth Aji, Palangka Raya got a score of 508 with the RBRA ranking without improvement.

The increase in facilities in the park is a form of translation of the Palangka Raya City Government to fulfill the rights of the community. Especially in facilitating children's growth and development.

"Then also make a park that is friendly to children. This means ensuring security, ease of access, comfort and growth in children's motor development through playing facilities," he said.

His party will also continue to improve facilities in other parks, so that later there will be more playing spaces that will be more friendly to children.

"We are also targeting the City of Palangka Raya, which in 2022 received the title of Middle Child-Friendly City (KLA), this year to receive the title of KLA Nindya," said Sahdin.

This target is also an effort to realize the mayor's vision and mission with the realization of the city of Palangka Raya which is advanced, harmonious and prosperous for all.

In addition, making Palangka Raya City a "smart environment" (smart environment), "smart society" (smart society) and "smart economy (smart economy) through investment in the fulfillment and protection of children's rights.

The Palangka Raya City Government through various relevant agencies will also collaborate and gradually increase the facilities and infrastructure to support children's growth and development at public service centers.

All elements of society, including non-governmental organizations, business actors, community organizations and others are invited to help the government in maintaining and ensuring that children's rights are fulfilled, both in terms of education, security, social, health and so on.

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